Post by chachachatham2 on Aug 25, 2013 23:08:06 GMT -5
Glamour: 1. Renata 2. Marcela 3. Justyna 4. Tamara 5. Zuza 6. Marta 7. Anna C 8. Aleksandra 9. Klaudia 10. Joanna 11. Anna K 12. Anna P
Vampires: (I wish they were all doing the same thing so it would be easier to rank) 1. Marcela 2. Klaudia 3. Renata 4. Joanna 5. Tamara 6. Anna K 7. Marta 8. Zuza 9. Anna C 10. Anna P 11. Justyna 12. Aleksandra
Post by bdon17 on Aug 26, 2013 10:17:45 GMT -5
Glamour: 1. Renata 2. Marcela 3. Justyna 4. Zuza 5. Tamara 6. Klaudia 7. Marta 8. Joanna 9. Aleksandra K 10. Anna P 11. Anna K 12. Anna C
Vampires: 1. Marcela 2. Anna K (I love this photo of her) 3. Klaudia 4. Zuza 5. Tamara 6. Justyna 7. Renata 8. Marta 9. Aleksandra K 10. Joanna (Her thigh looks huge) 11. Anna C 12. Anna P
Post by funfun683 on Aug 27, 2013 22:19:45 GMT -5
Joanna: Hello ladies and welcome to this weeks elimination! Following BNTM's format we did two totally different shoots that didn't correlate with each other in any way. But the results were still pretty great! So first name I will call is....
Marcela! (10) Your performance at both shoots was superb to say the least. The judges are definitely loving you so far, keep it up!
Renata (20) If your vampire shot was stronger you could have easily been the fco. Well done either way!
Klaudia (26)
Tamara (28)
Zuza (33)
Marta (39)
Justyna (40)
Anna K (47)
Aleksandra (50)
Joanna (52)
Will both Anna P and Anna C please step forward? Anna P, last week you had a superb photo. This week both your performances were....quite poor. Both were considered some of the worst. Anna C, you have so much potential and a runway ready body. But so far we haven't seen it. Will you be able to bring that potential out?
Anna C! (60) Congratulations Anna, hopefully we will see you improve the upcoming weeks.
Anna P, (67) I think you are a beautiful plussie but your performance this week was just awful in both photoshoots and we feel Anna C has more potential. Goodbye and goodluck.
Post by funfun683 on Aug 27, 2013 22:33:09 GMT -5
Photoshoot 3: Red Carpet Beauties (This is one shoot but it actually has 3 parts to it so to make it easier we will rank each separately) Part 1: Red Carpet Anna C Renata Justyna Marta Marcela Joanna Anna K Zuza Tamara Klaudia Aleksandra Part 2: W/Male Models Anna C Anna K Joanna Aleksandra Justyna Zuza Klaudia Tamara Renata Marta Marcela Part 3: Romantic & Reflexive Joanna Anna K Zuza Aleksandra Anna C Marcela Klaudia Renata Tamara Marta Justyna
Post by funfun683 on Aug 27, 2013 22:42:45 GMT -5
Red Carpet 1. Klaudia 2. Tamara 3. Renata 4. Marcela 5. Justyna 6. Joanna 7. Aleksandra 8. Anna C 9. Marta 10. Zuza 11. Anna K
Male Models 1. Tamara 2. Renata 3. Zuza 4. Marcela 5. Justyna 6. Marta 7. Anna C 8. Joanna 9. Aleksandra 10. Klaudia 11. Anna K
Romantic 1. Klaudia 2. Tamara 3. Marcela 4. Renata 5. Aleksandra 6. Justyna 7. Anna C 8. Joanna 9. Marta 10. Zuza 11. Anna K
Post by bdon17 on Aug 28, 2013 9:53:06 GMT -5
Red Carpet: 1. Justyna (This is when I started to realize how gorgeous she actually is) 2. Marcela 3. Klaudia 4. Tamara 5. Aleksandra 6. Anna C 7. Renata 8. Joanna 9. Marta 10. Anna K 11. Zuza
With Male Models: 1. Marcela 2. Justyna 3. Tamara 4. Marta 5. Anna K 6. Renata 7. Aleksandra 8. Klaudia 9. Joanna 10. Zuza 11. Anna C
Romantic and Reflective 1. Klaudia 2. Marcela 3. Justyna 4. Aleksandra 5. Tamara 6. Marta 7. Renata 8. Anna C 9. Zuza 10. Joanna (She looks plus sized...) 11. Anna K
Post by pieceofme on Aug 28, 2013 13:34:41 GMT -5
Red Carpet 1. Klaudia 2. Marcela 3. Renata 4. Justyna 5. Tamara 6. Joanna 7. Anna C 8. Aleksandra 9. Zuza 10. Marta 11. Anna K
Male Models 1. Marcela 2. Tamara 3. Renata 4. Justyna 5. Marta 6. Aleksandra 7. Joanna 8. Zuza 9. Klaudia 10. Anna K 11. Anna C
Romantic 1. Klaudia 2. Marcela 3. Justyna 4. Tamara 5. Renata 6. Marta 7. Zuza 8. Joanna 9. Anna K 10. Aleksandra 11. Anna C
Post by chachachatham2 on Aug 29, 2013 16:00:46 GMT -5
Red Carpet: 1. Justyna 2. Tamara 3. Marcela 4. Aleksandra 5. Renata 6. Joanna (If she didn't look pregnant then I would rank this higher) 7. Klaudia 8. Anna C 9. Marta 10. Zuza 11. Anna K
Male Models: 1. Marcela 2. Tamara 3. Justyna 4. Renata 5. Anna K 6. Aleksandra 7. Zuza 8. Marta 9. Joanna 10. Klaudia 11. Anna C
Romantic: 1. Klaudia 2. Marcela 3. Joanna 4. Tamara 5. Marta 6. Justyna 7. Zuza 8. Aleksandra 9. Anna C (It's a shame that her expression brings down all her shots this week because she's really gorgeous) 10. Renata 11. Anna K
Post by funfun683 on Sept 1, 2013 0:21:11 GMT -5
Joanna: Hello ladies! This week you had a three part photoshoot where you portrayed glamorous Hollywood starlets in different situations and the results were quite stunning. The first name I will call is...
Marcela! (27) You performed incredibly well in all three parts of the shoot, I have said it before but you are clearly someone the girls need to look out for. Congratulations!
Tamara! (36) You also performed amazingly this week Tamara, you were very natural and should be proud.
Justyna! (43)
Klaudia! (53) Your male model part brought you down because the judges agreed you were amazing in the other two.
Renata! (59)
Aleksandra! (79)
Marta! (86)
Joanna! (88)
Zuza! (101) What happened this week Zuza? You were really awkward on set and in photos.
Will Anna C and Anna K please step forward? Anna C, here we are again. You are SO stunning. You have this great face and a runway ready height and body. But in photos it all goes away. Anna K, you don't have the potential like Anna C does but you have taken some nice pictures. That being said your bad ones are really bad while your good ones are just good. You aren't making up for the poor performances you have had. So who stays?
Anna C! (104) You get another chance Anna C. You have the potential, use it!
Anna K, (116) Im sorry but in the end 2/3 of your performance this week was just awful and we cant keep you with that quality of performance. You will not be Polands next top model.
Post by funfun683 on Sept 1, 2013 0:33:11 GMT -5
Post by funfun683 on Sept 1, 2013 1:16:03 GMT -5
1. Renata (Did the best in both parts of the shoot for me) 2. Tamara 3. Klaudia 4. Marcela 5. Justyna 6. Marta 7. Aleksandra 8. Zuza 9. Joanna 10. Anna (It's a shame she could never live up to her potential)
Post by bdon17 on Sept 1, 2013 11:29:53 GMT -5
1. Renata (As much as I dislike her personality, both shots are gorgeous) 2. Tamara (I love that beauty shot) 3. Marcela 4. Justyna 5. Aleksandra 6. Klaudia 7. Anna C 8. Joanna 9. Zuza (The fact that she couldn't work the dress they gave her so they did two close-ups is just not acceptable. And on top of that she looks the same in both shots. She's lucky she took some great photos early on in the competition or I'd be sending her home.) 10. Marta
Post by chachachatham2 on Sept 1, 2013 21:29:47 GMT -5
1. Renata 2. Marcela 3. Klaudia 4. Tamara (I wish her walking shot was better because the beauty one is stunning) 5. Justyna 6. Aleksandra 7. Marta (Same as Tamara) 8. Zuza 9. Anna 10. Joanna
Post by pieceofme on Sept 3, 2013 19:33:47 GMT -5
1. Renata 2. Klaudia 3. Tamara 4. Marcela 5. Justyna 6. Aleksandra 7. Marta 8. Zuza 9. Joanna 10. Anna
Post by funfun683 on Sept 6, 2013 22:52:33 GMT -5
Elimination Joanna: Hi ladies! This week you did a photoshoot shot by Martin Tyszka and the results were STUNNING. We have once again managed to outdo ourselves. The first name I will call is.... Renata (4) It was unanimous! You really rose above the others and shined this week! Tamara (10) Almost fco once again. Don't think we aren't noticing your performances though, congrats! Marcela (13) As consistant as always. Klaudia (15) If you just gave more in the eyes you could have been called earlier. Justyna (19) Aleksandra (24) Marta (30) Zuza (33) Will Anna and Joanna please step forward? Its a shame to see these two stunning girls in the bottom two. Anna, this week you did improve somewhat but not by much, you still haven't mastered that look of yours. Joanna, you started the competition off so great but as the weeks go by you are getting worse and worse. You are both tied right now at 36 but only one of you will stay.... Joanna. You have been called over Anna every week so far. Congratulations, but you are on thin ice. Anna, I am sorry. I think you should go out there and practice and then you can really develop yourself. Goodluck and goodbye.